Friday, May 30, 2008

Will you please help the poor?

The Social Justice Project we have been running since the year 2000 for the very poor squatters in the Manggahan area in Las Pinas City really, truly needs your help. Please deny yourself a little bit of a night out expense and donate that amount to our Project.

Doing so, you will be feeding some 200 hungry children every Friday with a simple chicken rice porridge breakfast and an occasional hamburger. You will be teaching them faith in God every Sunday afternoon. You will be able to give them a pair of shorts and a shirt once a year. You will be able to give them toothbrushes and soap and teach them hygiene. You will be able to help their parents learn employability skills in the classes we send them to.

In other words, you will be doing God’s work as the steward of the gifts He has given you and your family.

There is no calendar deadline for our Fund Drive for the need is always there.  Please write your donation in favor of Our Lady of Fatima 9636 and send it to Florante Parrenas, C/O Knights of Columbus, 1729 E. Baseline Street, San Bernardino, CA 92410.

It will be my honor to thank you personally in the name of these hapless children who are counting on you for help.  May you continue to receive blessings of good health, peace and charity for God lives in you!

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