Sunday, May 18, 2008

Disasters Come in Threes?

The flight back from Beijing to Los Angeles was uneventful until Ces and I arrived and went through U.S. Customs and Immigration.  The two-hour delay in the connecting flight at the Narita Airport did not bother us for we joined up with our friend Philippine Air Force General (Ret.) Julius de la Torre who flew in from Manila.  The long wait for our luggage at LAX did.  We thought the luggage was left behind somewhere.

However, the real problem began when Agriculture Inspectors kept us.  The examiner asked if we had meat products, vegetables, fruits.  We said no to all.  He asked again and again.  Again we said no, we did not have any.

He opened my carry on bag in front of us and DANG, he pulled out a Chinese pear from the front pocket.  I was shocked!  It was one of the pears from the Hyatt welcome amenities we received.  Somehow, one of us put in that pear with the rest of the snacks.  He pulled out the customs declaration we signed and told us failure to declare would now cost us a fine of $300!  We could pay with a credit card, cash, or send a check or money order later.  Egads!  My knees buckled down!  What an expensive pear!

I had to be fast and furious in finding a way out of this debacle!

Thank God for years of dramatic training and stage experience, my eyes started to tear and my body contorted in convulsions.  I pleaded complete innocence, that I had no malice whatsoever.  I showed him my empty wallet.  I told him I use no credit cards...that my meager retirement check as a teacher will not be enough to pay the fine!  He spoke to his supervisor who was watching the drama all along.  He came back saying that we could go this time with a warning...and that we should be sent to the Principal's Office!

We moved out of there faster than lightning!  Whew, we thought that was that!  But NO, that was not to be!

When I clicked on the pudgy, electronic key to my MB Hatchback Kompressor, it wouldn't open the car door.  The battery was dead after nine days of inactivity.  We had to call for help.

The Airport Parking Center at the Crowne Plaza Hotel on Century Boulevard where we parked gave us a quick and efficient assistance.  I told the parking attendant that he had to pry the door open.  He smiled and asked for my key.  I told him it wouldn't get into the keyhole for I did not have a real key.  He gave me a smile and still asked for the pudgy key.  He pulled the metal at the side of the pudgy electornic key, and voila, a key came out!  He knew more about my toy car than I did!  With his portable charger juicing my car up, I was able to start it in a blink of an eye!

How lucky can we get?  Ces and I managed to overcome two more would-be tragedies in two days time!

Well, now, we're back home in Las Vegas, exhausted but the better for the experience!  Watch out Beijing.  We're going back to enjoy you one more time...after I find some luck at my favorite casino here in Las Vegas!

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