Monday, August 25, 2008

Fear of a Plane Crash


Did you ever experience a plane crash?  Hopefully, not.  Otherwise, you wouldn't be reading this blog now, yes?  However, you may have experienced a near crash or something seriously scary while on a plane ride other than the plane shaking violently while going through air turbulence.  I did.  I finally have calmed down to write about one such experience.

On Monday, July 7, 2008, I was scheduled to fly to Iloilo City from Manila, Philippines on Philippine Airlines at 10:00 a.m.  After three schedule cancellations due to what-ever-they-needed-to-do-with-the-plane, I finally was able to fly out at about 1:00 p.m.  The delay did not concern me because I needed to be in Iloilo City to condole with my family at the passing on of my older brother to the second life.

The weather was perfect.  The sky was clear.  There was not a single air pocket turbulence during the flight.  Nearing Iloilo City, the purser announced for us to fasten our seatbelts and get ready for landing.  Looking out the plane window, I could see the verdant greens of the city.  Visibility was great!

As I always do, I prayed the Holy Rosary at take off and at landing.  While enjoying the scenery below, I was praying the Holy Rosary.  The man beside me said some prayers, too, as he made the sign of the cross slowly, most reverently slowly.

The plane started descending, the flaps unfolding to slow the plane down.  I expected a gentle glide for landing followed by the rolling of the tires.

BLAAGGHH came the booming sound!  The green land I was looking at disappeared and was replaced with the horizon.  The plane seemed to have dropped from the sky instead of gliding down.  It bounced off the runway!!  Complete silence enveloped the plane.  Not a single sound came from anyone or anything.  The silence seemed like forever!  Then, I guess after about 10 seconds...BAAGGHH came the thudding sound!  The plane dropped off again!  After another five seconds, SRREeeccchhh... the plane's tires started rolling on the runway.

The man beside me made the sign of the cross so fast, he must have crossed himself a hundred times in one second to thank God for letting us live through the experience!

The purser came on the PA system, "Ladies and gentlemen, we just landed in IL...IL...ILO...ILOI...ILOI...ILOILO City..."  The purser must have been scared out of his wits, too!  The passengers erupted in unison, "You couldn't even pronounce Iloilo anymore!"

Either the pilot named something like Capt. Cabahug is totally inept or high on some drugs or perhaps his co-pilot was practice landing, he scared the living daily lights out of me.  At the moment of impact on the ground, I had no feelings at all.  My mind was also blank.

It was when we started taxiing on the runway that I really got scared, my body shaking, my throat dry and my head woozy.  My imagination went wild...what if the plane tilted and the wing tips touched the runway?...what if...what if...what if...  The what-ifs wouldn't stop.  I imagined the plane bursting into a fireball.  What if?

I had nightmares.  It took me this long...over a get over the what-ifs!  I hope and pray that you will not experience the fear I went through.

Philippine Airlines...Capt. Cabahug or whatever-your-name owe me an apology.

I thank God for letting me live through that experience and giving me more time to serve Him in this world.



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