Monday, November 3, 2008

No Worries

A lot of people are sitting on edge about the U.S. Presidential Election tomorrow, November 4, 2008. They are worried about the economy. They dread the prospects of more abortion. Still others ponder black or white, young or old and man or woman.

Electing Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin appears to many to be crucial in making or breaking the United States. Passion is strong. What is a person to do?

Me? I entrust my decision to God. It is His will, not mine. If Obama wins or McCain does, the world will go on living, unless the Lord wills it differently.
If the polls are true, many despise the administration of George W. Bush. Yet, the United States lives despite the difficulties.

The reason? The Will of God! God will never put us in a position where His Grace will not save us. Put your faith completely in Him. There is a purpose for everything that happens. Everything happens ultimately for the greater glory of God.

Don't worry. Be happy because God loves you unconditionally.

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