Thursday, October 9, 2008

Unusual Gift

On October 4, 2008, two days after my birthday, Ces and I had lunch at the Open Buffet Kitchen, our second favorite restaurant in San Bernardino, CA. It serves outstandingly delicious food in a clean and hospitable atmosphere. If you're ever in this area, you ought to try its dishes.

The fortune I received from the cookie said I was going to receive an unusual gift. Immediately after, Ces answered her mobile phone where a friend asked if she wanted to have a pure breed 9-month old Shitzu. It had all the medical works done. Apparently, the owner Melanie (photo above) could not take care of the Shitzu named Obi because she was moving into an apartment where pets were not allowed. Ces accepted, of course and told me that THAT was my unusual gift.

Ces and I drove to Los Angeles to pick up Obi. It was love at first sight. I called out his name and he came running and jumped up to me. Obi kissed me all over my face. Yikes!

Obi rode the five-hour trip with us to Las Vegas, NV. He was so well-behaved throughout the trip - watching the scenery, sleeping, drinking water and cuddling.

At home, Pogi, our two-year old Lhasa Apso/terrier/Shitzu mix bred, welcomed Obi immediately. They became instant playmates, started chasing each other and just frolicking. When I am at the lounging chair, they'd jump up on my lap at my command and both enjoy a massage.

Obi, indeed, is an unusual gift not only for me but the whole family!

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