Friday, October 3, 2008

The Road Is for Journey, not Destination

Yesterday, October 2 was the Day of the Guardian Angel.  It is my birthdate.  It must have been providential that I was born on that day.  I am to be a Guardian Angel for people.

Now, I know why I became a teacher and have remained one to this day.  Now, I know why I am deeply involved in and administering the Social Justice Project, a social amelioration program that helps disenfranchised and suffering people, especially the physically and mentally disabled children and old people in Metro-Manila, Philippines.

It is my practice to go to Mass early in the morning on my birthdate.  After Mass yesterday, I came back to my hotel in San Bernardino, CA where I am putting the finishing touches to a charter school petition that Ces and I have been working on.

When I turned on the TV, the King of Siam was on.  The King spoke, "The road is for journey, not destination."  It struck me that I have been on the road for 69 years, on a journey to meet my Creator, my destination!

What am I to tell Him about journey?  What have I got to show Him at the destination?  Heavy thoughts.  I must relax and delve on those thoughts later.

So yesterday was party time with some selected friends at the Knights' Hall in San Bernardino.  I wanted 69 of my friends at the party.  Not all showed up.  There were not 69 guests because you were not there.  You could not make it, but I knew though that you were thinking of me and wishing me well.

The party was subdued and simple.  Here are some photos.  Just place yourself somewhere among them, okay?

 This is a very delicious chocolate cake from Portos, a Cuban bakery in Glendale, CA.

  Oh, this tart from Portos is to die for!  It really has a fabulous taste that takes you to dreamland.

  Let me introduce some of my friends who enjoyed the get together.  From left, Joe Burns, Jane Gaura and Ike Gaura.  Joe is a strong supporter of the Social Justice Program.  So are the Gauras.  In fact, Ike is the Financial Secretary of the newly formed Social Justice Project, Inc.

  John Henry, left, joined the group for dessert.

  From left to right are Mrs. Lobato, Ray Lobato, Bill and Barbara Dickinson.  The Dickinsons, accomplished chefs that they are, thought the food served was totally delicious.

  The big hitters:  From left are Jim Haubner, Bruce Ewing, Kathy Ewing, Angie Haubner and Elena Hamilton.

  This is Jim Haubner, Jr.  An accomplished, pool shooter, he gamely pairs up with me against other players.

  John Rozzi is the Grand Ole Man of the group.  He loves his sweets!

  Jerry Doubek supports the Social Justice Project as well.  He has visited the several programs under the Project during one of his visits to the Philippines.

  Lupe Perez, right, joins us for a drink at the bar.  Gina Reynolds, far left, anticipates the visit to the bar.

  Ahhhh, lumpia!  Lots and lots of lumpia at the party, guests had the opportunity to take some home.

  This rotissiere chicken from Juan Pollo is my favorite chicken.  It tastes much like the old Robinson Farm rotissiere chicken in the Philippines, then.

  The chopsuey went very fast, too.  I had the food cooked to my specifications at the Manila Food Express in Colton, CA because I had no kitchen in the hotel I could use.

  How can a Pinoy birthday party go without PANCIT!  Using miki noodles and shrimp Manila Food Express cooked the pancit to the discerning taste of the guests.

  In addition to the fruit tart and the Parisian chocolate cake, Portos gave us truly sweet and delicious cheese rolls for dessert.

Standing from left are Ted Atencio, Bob Herness and Luis Arciniega.  Seated beside me are Chuchi and Jerry Doubek.

 Around the table, clockwise, are Bob Herness, Luis Arciniega, John Rozzi, Ted Atencio, Chuchi and Jerry Doubek, Me and Bill Sutcliffe.

In case you're wondering why Ces is not in the pictures, just imagine her holding the cameras in front of the subjects and taking the pictures.

Truly, I wish you could have joined us at the party.  The journey goes on!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

May your journey continue to be blessed with the grace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ today and always.  Our Catholic faith teaches us that the journey is merely our practice test to prepare for our eternal home. The journey can be interesting, full of joy and pain - but its purpose is solely an opportunity to be loving and obedient servants for and of God. Ah, the destination is ALL.  Let us continue to  give Him all the glory in all we do, so that one day we will be able to join Him in His glorious home for which we have all been designed!  Then, we will truly be HOME. Amen!  Happy Birthday, Bisayaman!