Saturday, January 27, 2007

Crazy Curves

Oh, gee!  Curves are not always sexy.  In fact, they are downright dangerously crazy!  I am not referring to the curves of the extravaganza  showgirls of Las Vegas.  I am actually addressing the driving lanes of its roads and freeways.  Here, the lanes swerve unnaturally out of position.  This is one place where one must expect the unexpected in driving lanes.

Either I am getting too old and demented or the driving lanes here are really crazily laid out.  It could be that I have become a careless driver.  However, how could I explain a clean driving record if that were so, huh?  The serious accident that almost caused my whole family our lives two years ago was perpetrated by a drunk driver who zoomed through a red light and struck our really sturdy Land Rover.

On Thursday, January 25, I drove my daughter Aari to her community college class in my tiny C230 Kompressor Benz.  From Freeway 215 East, I got off the Valle Verde exit to merge left into that avenue.  Well, I followed the lane left only to realize I was moving head on to oncoming traffic.  Egads!  How did this happen?  Wide-eyed, I noticed that the road divider was some 50 yards from the turn.  I should have swung far right as I turned left from the ramp to join the avenue correctly!

Quick defensive action!  What?  Flash the hazard light!  Move as far to the right as possible for staying on the left side would have been fatal!  Honk the horn continuously!  Oncoming drivers on my left side did not slow down!  Drivers moving directly on to me maneuvered to their right, giving me a squeaking passage.  Why didn't they stop, for God's sake?  Five or six rows of cars running abreast towards me in four columns came rushing by before I could make a quick and sharp u-turn with squealing tires!  Dang, forgive my French but my you-know-what shot up to my ears!  Make the same mistake  yourself and see if your innards will not fly out of your mouth!  Gosh, I pray to God that this will not happen to you...not in any remote way.

I thank my God for saving me and my Aari from becoming a road statistic.  I thank Him for keeping my heart strong and not failing in that trying moment. I thank Him for His blessing in giving me a critical mind that functioned well and weaved me through that swiftly grave time!

I am still alive!

God is good!  Vivat Jesus! 


Anonymous said...

That's the beauty of being a CRITICAL thinker rather than a DELIBERATE one! Otherwise, you would have been a gonner. God forbid!

Yes, it is always nice to pray to our Answering God that all of us and our families are covered with His presence and righteousness wherever we are and whatever we do. Vivat Jesus!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Bay Ed, for your prayers.