Saturday, September 9, 2006

Time for Parties

I could not count the number of socials I attended while I was on this August 2006 Philippine trip.  After all, Filipino life appears to focus around food.  There is nothing that happens without food.  So, you can understand why I cannot remember the number of parties and gatherings I attended.

It started with a fraternal breakfast with Council 9636 on the first morning of my arrival.  This was followed by a birthday party for the grandson of a family friend.  Then, there was a birthday party for Ted Williams, an installation of officers dinner, a five-star reception at a plush hotel for Eddy's son's company, another five-star wedding anniversary reception of Eddy's cousin at a private club, private feasts with friends at restaurants that cook food to your specifications from fresh catch that you buy from a wet market, small gatherings here and there...etc.

I must have gained 20 pounds easily on this trip!

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