Monday, September 11, 2006

Boracay Island Resort

Boracay Island is to me the best resort island in all places of the world I have visited.  While it has been developed, it remains rustic and romantic in many ways.  It boasts of very fine, white sandy beaches.  When you step on the sand at mid-noon when the sun is very hot, the sand remains cool to the feet. You do not need slippers to protect your feet from burning.  When you step on the water, the white sand does not rise.  The water remains very clear.

There are points around the island that you can explore.  You get puca shells or buy puca necklaces in Puca Point.  Challenge yourself to the caves of Crystal Cave Island. Eat young, fresh coconut and drink its juice in the middle of the sea where boatmen peddle them.  Enjoy the fresh food cooked to your specs in many friendly restaurants.  You can go to the market and buy the fresh catch yourself or you can let your favorite restaurant do the shopping for you.

You can go to a karaoke bar and sing your heart out or go dancing through the night!  You can also just take a leisurely stroll with a pina colada in your hand and hold hands with a friend or a loved one.

You can enjoy yourself, spending only a few bucks.  The cottage my friends and I checked into could accommodate five people and cost only $45 a night.  Four people can have a feast of fresh crabs, jumpo shrimps, fish, etc. for only $20!  You can pamper yourself with a full body massage for only $6 an hour!  Woo hoo!  AND the swim....ahhhhh such beautiful long stretches of water with sandy white beaches!

Check it out yourself.  Do a Google and search for Boracay Island or WOW Philippines!

Council 9636 Installation

Our Lady of Fatima KofC Council 9636 of Las Pinas City, Metro-Manila, Philippines conducted it's 19th Installation of Officers on Saturday, August 19, 2006 at the Philamlife Village Hall.  It was a quiet, pious and elegant charge and acceptance of duties of the council officers.

The officers donned on their ceremonial robes and participated in the universal formal installation rites of the Order after a fraternal Mass.

I felt privileged to be invited as the special guest of honor at the ceremonials.

Saturday, September 9, 2006

Remembering Christ

One of the major reasons of my trip to the Philippines was to bring cash donations from good-hearted people in San Bernardino, CA to Our Lady of Fatima K of C Council 9636 in Las Pinas.  At my retirement party on June 10, 2006, well-wishers wrote checks in favor of Our Lady of Fatima 9636 for my favorite charity - the social amelioration projects for the Manggahan district squatters in Las Pinas City.  My own K of C Council 4488 and other personal friends also made cash donations.

I brought with me $2,687 to fund the following projects and bring hope to the less privileged children of God: (1) Funding of the catechism class for some 200 children, (2) Cleaning/Clothing/Feeding the street children of Las Pinas who are as young as 4 years old, (3) Fumigation to eradicate dengue fever-carrying mosquitoes, (4) TESDA skills training of the squatters for them to acquire employability or gainful skills and (5) Relief goods to national penitentiary prisoners who come from far-flung provinces and incarcerated in overcrowded jails.

The pictures you see above were taken during a catechism class and a feeding of the children.  The catechism class is held every Sunday afternoon at 3:00-5:00.  Feeding the children occurs every Friday morning.

As a steward of God's gifts, I am fully committed to carrying out these projects as my mission in life.  I hope and pray that my friends will join me in sharing their own gifts.  These projects can only be sustained if good hearted people will support them with donations written in favor of Our Lady of Fatima 9636.  It is this organization that manages these projects.

Vivat Jesus!

Time for Parties

I could not count the number of socials I attended while I was on this August 2006 Philippine trip.  After all, Filipino life appears to focus around food.  There is nothing that happens without food.  So, you can understand why I cannot remember the number of parties and gatherings I attended.

It started with a fraternal breakfast with Council 9636 on the first morning of my arrival.  This was followed by a birthday party for the grandson of a family friend.  Then, there was a birthday party for Ted Williams, an installation of officers dinner, a five-star reception at a plush hotel for Eddy's son's company, another five-star wedding anniversary reception of Eddy's cousin at a private club, private feasts with friends at restaurants that cook food to your specifications from fresh catch that you buy from a wet market, small gatherings here and there...etc.

I must have gained 20 pounds easily on this trip!