Friday, April 25, 2008

Retirement Nonsense

Whoever said that retirement is all fun was not completely telling the truth.  Surely, a retiree has all the time in the world to do nothing. Yes, sireeee, take me as your example!

My retirement plans of writing, reading, watching movies, traveling and doing consulting work are well in place.  I am actually doing them all the time.  I edit The Del Rosa Bulletin.  I read a fiction or non-fiction book every two weeks.  I watch countless movies every day from all the premium TV channels, Vongo and Netflix.  I am out of the country, usually to the Philippines two or three times a year.  I still do my consulting work, with Prime Academy taking most of my consulting time.  Yet, there is something that is totally missing.

I am missing the regular wake-up-go-to-work-come-home-tired routine!  I am missing the interactions, both good and bad, with colleagues and the public.  I was doing then what I am doing now in retirement!  That is why this work-up-and-go routine that I took out of my life in retiring is causing me to get frustrated.  I am too gregarious a man to be denied this work interaction challenge!

If I am not going back to the regular employment routine, then I'd better go back to where I came from and roll on the salt-white sand of the beaches in Boracay Island and Siquijor Island in the Philippines while basking under the sultry sun in balmy weather!

That is where a retiree ought to spend time instead of just getting tired, re-tired and re-tired over and over again.

Hey, Ces, when are we leaving?